"One hundred and ninety years ago, on November 6th, my great, great, great grandfather and grandmother and their two children arrived in New York City from Germany. They came to America seeking opportunity and freedom. They initially settled at 196 Hudson Street and opened the first Martin Guitar workshop in the New World. I was looking for a way for us to celebrate this milestone. In 1976 (the anniversary of the founding of our nation) we introduced the D-19. It was designed as an upmarket D-18. We stained the top to utilize spruce that was cosmetically challenged. An early nod to sustainability. I thought it would be appropriate to dust off that model designation and make 190 contemporary D-19s to honor our 190th anniversary. This model also embraces sustainability by utilizing cosmetically challenged Adirondack spruce tops that we have had in inventory for a while. We sent them through our Mimaki printer to achieve a figured mahogany look for the top. Hope you like it."
- C.F. Martin IV
今年是现今最古老的原声吉他品牌 CF Martin & Co. 马丁吉他 190 周年庆典。马丁四世在庆典纪念日当天宣布了190周年纪念版D-19吉他。【十周年杂谈】展望下一个十年
而Ukulele方面,从 1917年正式纳入销售目录起,Martin Ukulele 也走过了106个年头。
Life is Good - Martin OXK 联名
Ditson x Martin 1920s Soprano
Martin Konter Prototype
【转载】“最有价值的尤克里里” _ Konter Ukulele
【U琴の故事】Martin Konter Ukulele 展览
Soprano S1 Martin Centennial
马丁吉他在2017年推出限定100只的百年庆典纪念版尤克里里,选取当年首次销售的Style 1 Soprano 和经典的 Style 3 【转载】经典的马丁 Style 3
Soprano S3 Martin Centennial signed by CF Martin IV
Tenor 1T IZ Martin IZ
即便没有听过夏威夷音乐,或许听过这首歌 IZ的经典获得认可 Somewhere Over the Rainbow 夏威夷音乐史上最伟大的音乐家之一 Israel “Bruddah Iz” Kamakawiwo‘ole’s 马丁吉他复刻了当年IZ使用的1T琴款,附上专属琴头镶嵌。并有遗孀亲笔签名内标。
Keep Strumming - To(o)gether 「声动四弦 -再一起」沉浸式不插电音乐会
Baritone B51 Martin Baritone
1971 Guitar 00-28C Martin Nylon strings
2003 Guitar 5-16GT Martin Terz custom GT
2005 Guitar Sting Mini #80/100 Martin Sting Mini limited Edition
2022 Guitar 000-28EC Martin Ecri Claption Signature w/ L.R.Baggs pickup
吉他大神Eric Clapton的签名型号,是乐手们最喜欢的型号之一,单独有序列号,艺术家和马丁四世签名内标。这只2022年的次新琴来自一个日本琴行。
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